Trail of Ten Falls

July 20

I continued along the coast of Oregon


 Today I took a right turn and headed east to the middle of Oregon.  I drove through beautiful farmland as the landscape changed drastically from the coastline.


I made it to Silver Falls State Park where someone told me of a hike where you can see 10 waterfalls.  I took a shorter version, as I had to land in Portland by early evening.  I hiked for 5 miles and it was so prehistoric.  So much of Oregon is covered in giant green trees and green moss and huge rocks and it just seems like one can imagine dinosaurs being nearby.


I made it to Portland this evening and stayed with a friend who had just spent 6 months of last year on a roadtrip around the US in a Westfalia Van with her boyfriend.  She got it.  We talked about life on the road and life after being on the road and life after NYC and just life in general.  I am so thankful for these moments I’ve had to really connect with people along this journey.