
Hi there! It’s been a while…

This year, well, we all know, meh. Everything has changed and as an artist and small business that relied on traveling back to the US to attend art shows, I have had to reconsider how I can change my approach.  Step one: total overhaul of this website! Do you like it?

I will to tend to my website and blog consistently, also making videos to describe my process in the studio and generally just how life abroad is for me.

So how has it been?  I now live in Costa da Caparica, a small beach town on the coast, about 30 minutes from Lisbon.  I found a garage to build my studio, and thank goodness for that.  It is not ideal in some ways, but I truly, truly love it.  It’s my space and it has all of my tools and enough tables to spread many projects all around.  The acoustics are pretty well contained so I can hammer and sand to my hearts content and pump up the volume to have solo dance parties to get my blood flowing. 

Everything feels very unknown right now, as 2021 seems a total mystery of how it will unfold.  But deep down I feel really excited, because I know change gone come.  I don’t know what it is, where it is, but ohhhh gurrrrl I have been here before!  I know all about making big decisions and the best thing to do with that is to be patient.  So back to the studio, I still have whole lotta work to do there.

Good to see you here.   xoxo

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